Sunday, April 24, 2011

joel osteen

About nine years ago, no one know her very well, even digerejanya own in Houston. He is just a drop-out from college, and help behind the scenes his father's television ministry, Pastor John Osteen. Until the turning point that happened, when his father died and he stepped in front of the camera with a stunning show in front of lots of people. What makes Joel Osteen won the hearts of many people?

But in addition to many people who admired him, not a few criticisms that came about teaching. How preacher who in his young age is achieved something extraordinary? Check out a special interview Byron Pitts of CBS News the following.

Joel Osteen ministry, was watched by viewers from 100 countries, and is the most watched religious channel in America. In tayangannya no cross, not even religious symbols everywhere. It more like a celebration with live concerts rock band, very spectacular.

"There were about ten to fifteen thousand people who are passionate for God. They are of various races, denominations and backgrounds. They want to be here, but they are not the ones who are addicted to being in church. And all of this, a strong expectations. We cheered and rejoiced. And I am trying to do is make them when leaving this place better than their situation when it comes. " Joel Osteen said when talking with Pitts.

There are thousands of people who come to church nondenominasi Lakewood Church, in a basketball stadium in Houston, Texas. They were all thirsty and hungry to hear God's message is full of power and inspiration directly from Joel Osteen.

"The message I convey is about hope, that God is good, and no matter what we did, when we come to Him, He always has a great plan for our lives. And when we walk in His way, He will take us to the road that have not even thought of us. " So obviously Joel.

Joel Osteen preaches his own version of the "Prosperity Gospel" - That God is loving, all-forgiving God, and God's will to believers menganugrahkan health, prosperity, and happiness. That is the center of all Joel Osteen's ministry over the years.

"I want you to have a big vision. There is something extraordinary in your future. Your future God has prepared and there are moments full of blessing, growth and promotion from God. God has prepared before the foundation of the world, people who appropriate to meet the right opportunity. Time and change will come to you. Why do not expect it with full faith? "Demian Joel spoke to his audience. "Why do not you start to believe, however, that the best days you'll naturally still in front of you?"

"If you're not making progress the way you want, here's the key: Do not ever be discouraged. Still have the right attitude and do the right thing even though it's heavy. When you do that, and you pass the test. So God's promise that extraordinary time it is close to you. " Said Joel.

"You say that 'I am a life coach, a motivator that helps them experience the life God has prepared for them. People do not like to be criticized and told that they were wrong." What do you mean by this? " Pitts asked.

"So, I think most people already know that they made a mistake. And I do not want to be here just to make them feel weak and humble them, I just want to inspire them to rise. I want to motivate. I want to motivate every person, so that when they come home, they can become better fathers, better husbands, escape from addiction, and up and running deeper in their knowledge of God, "answered Joel.

"So it means to be a preacher just like the traffic system is Dr.Phil or Oprah?"
"No, we use the word of God. I think the principles that you hear from Dr.Phil and several other speakers about many things are beyond the truth of God's word."

"Are you not afraid that the message you convey will plunge many people the wrong way? That's what many people think," So I just think positively about my life and my life will be changed accordingly. "But it turns out it was never happen. " Cecar Pitts.

"Of course I am not afraid, because what I teach is not just about it. I also teach how to deal with tough times. When the hard times you face, you should know who you really are. Know that the Lord gives you strength to overcome them . You can even still be the most positive person in any senegatif situation, and it will make you continue to have hope. " So Joel Osteen gave rebuttal to criticism of teaching during the time he sounded everywhere.

Joel Osteen with his book Your Best Life Now, give a great influence for thinking about the theology of prosperity. Who does not want to be happy, healthy and blessed? Surely everyone wants it. If there is no way that God showed to achieve it, why not. But everything remains to be tested, for which every believer was blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life, and the Bible to be a reference to the essential truth.

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