Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meghan McCain's Attack Behind critics

Meghan McCain's Attack Behind critics

Meghan McCain's Attack Behind critics

Meghan McCain, daughter of Republican Senator John McCain, enraged the conservative radio host Ingraham Laira after his comments that compared with a more bodied model.

"A significant majority of readers are young women," says McCain
young, a blogger for the Daily Beast on 'The View', today. "What do young women think about when I speak my mind about politics and I want to discuss politics on the future of the Republican Party ideologikal and the answer is 'He's fat, he's not supposed to have an opinion?'"

Princess politician was responding to criticism from Ingraham, on Thursday last week in Los Angeles, United States. "Do you think that anyone willing to talk to you if you're not beautiful-bodied and not John McCain's daughter?" Said Ingraham excoriation.

Ingraham, who uses a Valley Girl voice, imitating McCain, "OK, I really hope that I would take that role in 'Real World', but then realized, well, they do not like fat model. They're just like a slim woman is. "

But Meghan menyergah and fiery spray Ingraham, "I've never heard of (name)." Before commenting he writes, "It was horrible. My political writer on the blog and what's wrong with me for writing so fat? There was no place for critics of the female body weight in 2009. "

To be sure, Meghan added danger she always maintain a healthy lifestyle, but never thinking about scale. "It means I've been training hard in a gym, I try to eat healthy but do you know I was a size 8," he said again.


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